Sunday, September 8, 2024

Gas Networks Ireland and Bord na Móna to invest in new gas infrastructure

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Gas Networks Ireland has announced plans to invest significantly in gas infrastructure to connect Bord na Móna‘s Edenderry Renewable Energy Complex to the national gas network.

The grid connection will allow for both natural and renewable gas, including biomethane and green hydrogen, to be integrated into the fuel mix at the Offaly renewable energy complex.

Gas Networks Ireland expects that the transmission connection project will reduce Edenderry’s CO2 emissions by approximately 40% upon completion.

The facility supports the national energy grid in times of high demand, providing 116MW of electricity to help balance the intermittency of supply from other energy sources.

The investment will include the construction of a steel transmission pipeline of around 22km in length that will connect the renewable energy complex at Edenderry to the €2.8bn gas network.

The project, which is currently in the preliminary planning and development phase will initially facilitate the transmission of natural gas and shift to renewable gasses over time.

Construction is expected to start in 2027, and the pipeline is anticipated to be fully operational in 2029. Gas Networks Ireland will host public information evenings over the coming weeks to share more details about the project.

The gas network plays a critical role in Ireland’s energy landscape, and this connection for Bord na Móna marks a significant step towards a greener future,” said Brian Sheehan, director of assets & infrastructure at Gas Networks Ireland.

 “The gas network can be adapted to transport zero-carbon gases, such as green hydrogen. It has already transformed once, from carrying town gas to natural gas over 40 years ago, and more recently adapted to biomethane when it was first introduced onto the Irish network in 2019.  

“Gas Networks Ireland is fully committed to this strategic infrastructure development project and has assembled a dedicated team to ensure its success.”

Control Room, Gas Networks Ireland.

John Reilly, head of renewable energy at Bord na Móna, commented: “Our existing diesel generation assets located at the Edenderry Renewable Energy Complex play a key role in supplying 116MW of electricity to the national energy grid during periods of high demand when solar and wind energy availability is limited, and this development will ensure these generation assets are operating even more sustainably, as one of the largest on-demand renewable electricity generators in Ireland.”

Bord Na Móna reported a €95.2m profit last year and paid a dividend of €37.8m to the Exchequer.

(Pic: Supplied.)

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