Mickey Harte has named an unchanged Derry starting line-up for their tussle with Mayo. Gareth McKinless is available again after his two-match suspension but...
Humphreys arrives at the IRFU at an interesting time. In addition to Farrell's temporary departure next year, the men's and women's sevens teams are...
Former Republic of Ireland star James McClean believes that Declan Rice is not world class and his abilities have been 'overrated' by the English media. McClean...
The group, which helps customers streamline retail offerings to passengers, recorded total revenue of $28.9m (€26.06m) for 2023.This was up 23pc from a year...
Revive Active has unveiled its second manufacturing facility in Mullingar, Westmeath.
The new 10,000 sq. ft facility was officially opened by The Minister for Enterprise, Trade...