Monday, September 16, 2024

Business activity increasing in Northern Ireland ahead of global summit’s return to Belfast

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World-class panel of speakers at ScaleX will help SME owners elevate their business

As inflation comes under control and consumer confidence begins to increase, Ulster Bank’s latest PMI Growth Tracker shows the expansion of business activity in Northern Ireland’s private sector is now the strongest of all UK regions and nations.

While the report notes the strongest growth was in the manufacturing and services sectors, the ScaleX Summit will aim to inspire SME leaders across all industries to capitalise on the growing private sector and elevate their business.

The brainchild of Simple Scaling co-founders, Brendan McGurgan and Claire Colvin, the summit will take place at ICC Belfast on Wednesday, November 13 and is set to attract over 900 businesspeople from across the UK and Ireland.

From globally renowned entrepreneur, Daniel Priestley, to one of the most influential and knowledgeable speakers on scaling and exiting businesses at maximum value, Mac Lackey, the event will welcome leaders from across the business world.

During the event topics including how to become a key person of influence, optimise your mental performance, communicate with confidence and much more will be explored in detail.

Other speakers announced for the summit include serial entrepreneurs Norman Crowley and Jack Daly, mental performance master Dr Mithu Storoni, stars of the stage Lucy and Georgie from Performing Perfectly, and wellness authority and bestselling author Niall O’Murchu.

The summit is grounded in the ScaleX Framework, which is a comprehensive collection of 10 foundational principles to guide business owners in developing a tangible plan and fostering a culture of accountability.

Brendan McGurgan, director and co-founder of Simple Scaling, said: “With just three months to go I cannot wait for this year’s summit, it promises to be an unforgettable event.

“It is truly an honour to be able to welcome this line up of world-class, visionary speakers to Belfast.

“This summit offers ambitious leaders the chance to hear from, and connect with, some of the most innovative minds in the industry.

“As Ulster Bank’s PMI Growth Tracker shows, the time is right for business leaders in Northern Ireland to take the simple steps required to scale their business.

“It will not be an easy journey, simple means uncomplicated and there is no doubt scaling requires effort, but the ScaleX Summit is the perfect platform from which to take the first meaningful step on the road to scaling successfully.”

Claire Colvin, director and co-founder of Simple Scaling, added: “We can’t wait to return to ICC Belfast for the ScaleX Summit in November and help great people do great things with their businesses.

“This isn’t about discovering powerful leaders, it’s about helping people in leadership positions discover the power of their own voice and make the mindset shift required to successfully scale your business.”

The ScaleX Summit will provide an opportunity to gain valuable insights and practical strategies that leaders can implement immediately on their scaling journey.

It will also provide an opportunity to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs, investors and innovators from diverse industries and backgrounds.

For more information, visit

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