Wednesday, December 18, 2024

iGolf subscribers exceeding expectations – Irish Golfer Magazine

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After just two months Golf Ireland confirmed that 950 subscribers have signed up to the independent golfer (iGolf) scheme.

This has come as a pleasant surprise to Golf Ireland officials who admitted that they have had to turn away “hundreds of people” who wanted to become iGolf members but were ineligible due to the three-year stand down period.

A three-year stand down period brought in by Golf Ireland means anyone who had been a golf club member in the last three years can’t become an iGolf subscriber.

Irish Golfer Magazine understands upon the launch of iGolf in October, golfers were attempting to leave their respective golf clubs and join the scheme which costs just €65 per year.

“We’ve turned down quite a number of people who left their clubs two years ago, two-and-a-half years ago, 18 months ago, before the scheme was even [implemented],” said Golf Ireland CEO Mark Kennelly.

“A lot of people were quite aggrieved that they left their clubs for genuine reasons two years ago but we are absolutely implementing the three-year. That was the longest stand-down period in the world, and it is the reassurance [for clubs].

“We have turned away literally hundreds of people who left their clubs in recent years. For normal reasons, people can’t keep up their membership but we have rigidly implemented that condition.”

Brian Quinn, head of projects at Golf Ireland is adamant that despite the fears of golf clubs about the threat of iGolf, the scheme will see a lot of subscribers transition to golf club membership to similar effect that has been seen in the UK and New Zealand.

“We have 220,000 members of golf clubs in Ireland,” said Quinn.

“But it’s interesting to note that there’s another 300,000 or 350,000 golfers who aren’t currently members of golf clubs.

“They enjoy golf. Some of them play it very regularly. But, for a range of reasons, the golf membership isn’t available to them or suitable for them just now.

“We have no connection to those golfers. We knew we were out there. We knew the R&A surveys identified them.

“If you get iGolf subscription, we have a connection with you. We have your information. We have your email address and you can learn more about what your interests are as a golfer.

“And, hopefully, it’s all about a pathway, really. The more people who become iGolf subscribers, the more maybe we can tempt them over time to consider club membership if it’s suitable for them.”

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