Sunday, September 8, 2024

Louth fashion designer just wants missing cat home for Christmas

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Harvest, a much loved pet, has been missing from his owner Rachel Shaw’s home since the end of November

All Dundalk fashion designer Rachel Shaw wants for Christmas is her much-loved cat Harvest to return home safely.

Rachel last saw her ginger cat when he went outside her home just off Bachlors Walk at 6.30am on Wednesday November 29.

“He would sometimes go out when I’m leaving in the morning but hasn’t been back which is extremely out of character.”

She immediately launched a massive search for her pet, posting on local social media pages and getting posters printed, but despite following numerous leads, Harvest hasn’t been found.

“I’ve had him for the best part of the last year and a half, always sitting on me or with me by my side while I work up until the day he went missing. I know people think I’m crazy because it’s only a cat but I really miss him.”

Having returned to Ireland during the pandemic after working in London for over a decade, Rachel is currently doing a Masters of Education in the National College of Art and Design. She says that Harvest was a great comfort to her during a difficult time and she hopes that he may have been taken in by someone who doesn’t realise that he already has an owner but is getting more and more worried the longer he is missing.

If anyone has spotted Harvest, they should contact 087 714 4177.

Worryingly Harvest is just one of a number of cats to have gone missing in Dundalk in recent weeks, confirms Louth SPCA Inspector Fiona Squibb.

“I don’t know what’s going on but there are looks of cats missing all over town. There are lots of people looking for them and they just see to vanish. I don’t understand why as they usually turn up or we find their bodies.”

She is aware of reports that of poison being laid in areas and highlights that this is very dangerous, not just for pets but for young children who could pick it up.

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