Sunday, September 8, 2024

What is in your horoscope this week – March 4, 2024

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These are the horoscopes for week commencing March 4, 2024.

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may be busy making plans, but it’s just as well to stay alert for any intuitive nudges. You could be pulled towards anything or anyone that tugs at your heartstrings or that offers a dream to believe in. Yet the New Moon in Pisces suggests this is a good time for a fresh start, and as Mercury enters your sign you’ll see clearly what you must do and exactly how to do it, Aries.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Friends can be supportive with their caring ways. But there are some people whose motives could be questionable, so listen to your instincts. Indeed, the New Moon in your social zone may coincide with a new start and a decision to move in other circles. Plus, as Mercury eases into a high-flying zone, it’s time to promote yourself and connect with influential people.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

This can be a week of new beginnings, with the New Moon in your sector of goals and ambitions encouraging you onwards and upwards. You may have a grand vision of what you hope to accomplish, and if it helps others, even better. It’s wise to avoid impulsive or ill-thought out moves though. Something might seem perfect, but if it offers a quick fix, think again!

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Ready to embrace a new opportunity? If so, key aspects encourage you to step out in faith and follow your heart. With Mercury aligning with Neptune though, it may be wise to ask a few questions before you get too involved. And the influence of electric Uranus suggests a desire to have your needs met instantly. Before you make a move, think carefully about your priorities.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Some things are destined to remain a mystery unless you have the clarity of mind to pierce the fog and see what’s really going on. With a New Moon in a secretive zone, the coming week can be a turning point, encouraging you not to let things drift, but to take back control. Whether this involves finances, business matters or a close relationship, you’ll be ready for the truth.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

An ethereal line-up can highlight all that’s perfect about a budding romance or any new relationship. Thinking of taking things further, Virgo? If so, be sure you understand what you’re letting yourself in for. It may be that this connection works out well for both of you, but it’s also possible that flaws will show up. If you can accept this person as they are, life will be easier.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

This week’s New Moon can be a call to be honest with yourself in relation to your job, current lifestyle or certain habits that you may be in denial about. If you acknowledge any issues, no matter how difficult or painful, then a new beginning could be yours. Mind, with Uranus causing restlessness, you might be in a hurry to see results. Allow it all to unfold, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A long-running issue could turn into an all-out war of words, as Mercury and Mars align with Uranus. Had enough? You may feel like cutting ties with this person once and for all. It might be obvious that things can’t go on as they have, so make your position clear, then drop it. The weekend can take on an aura of peace as you bask in self-care and enjoy a little pampering.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Energy levels may fluctuate, especially with a focus on Pisces. Bearing this in mind, it might help to simplify your schedule and focus on relaxation and down time. Even so, the New Moon could inspire you to make positive changes to your domestic situation. And yet there are times when you’ll be restless too, so try to channel such feelings into a sport or hobby if you can.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Does somebody you know need a helping hand? As the current star map brings out your compassionate side, you may not hesitate to get involved. Whether this means fetching and carrying or listening while they pour out their heart, your efforts could help rebuild someone’s trust in human nature. Ready to buy or sign? Be sure to read the small print carefully, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

It’s important to take back control of your money and to find ways to curb any excess spending. If you haven’t yet set your financial goals for the year ahead, then it may be time to do so. The more you define what you want in this area, the greater clarity you’ll have. Make use of the New Moon to kickstart a new phase. Still, a small treat can bring great pleasure, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You can be anyone you want to be, Pisces. Your sensitivity and empathy mean that you often identify with strong characters or temporarily absorb the personality traits of whoever you’re with. Like a chameleon, you’re good at blending in. The New Moon in your sign is a call to stand out and champion those plans and projects that have deep personal meaning for you.

Birthday Luck

Monday’s Birthday Luck: Happy Birthday! This year seems to hold great promise, and you’ll get ahead by thinking out of the box. You’ll be drawn to novel solutions and less inclined to go for the tried and trusted. As a result, you’ll flourish.

Tuesday’s Birthday Luck: Happy Birthday! You’ll be ready to use your charm and competitive nature to soar ahead. Many opportunities beckon, but your sights will be set on those that offer the biggest prize. Who you know can be helpful too.

Wednesday’s Birthday Luck: Happy Birthday! It’s a good year to tie up loose ends and resolve anything that’s hanging over you. If you manage this, new doors will open and sparkling opportunities may show up for you.

Thursday’s Birthday Luck: Happy Birthday! This looks to be a year of healing on so many levels. A strained relationship will get back on track. Plus, you may be eager to enhance your wellness and exercise routine to good effect.

Friday’s Birthday Luck: Happy Birthday! You’ll be very creative, but there are times when you’ll need to be more practical to avoid losing out. Attend to the details but harness your imagination as well, as it can bring many gifts your way.

Saturday’s Birthday Luck: Happy Birthday! Expect the unexpected and know that whatever you have planned may not work out in the way you hoped. Keep an open mind and stay flexible, as fresh energy and bold opportunities can show up as a result.

Sunday’s Birthday Luck: Happy Birthday! Learning yoga or meditation could assist you in feeling calmer and connecting more deeply with your intuition. Any spiritual or wellness practice that boosts your optimism can lead to greater success.

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